Probate Services

Our wills and probate team have many years’ experience of providing probate services for estates of all sizes and complexity.

Our team of specialist probate solicitors are experts at securing assets, managing property, paying bills, preparing the necessary tax and probate papers, liaising with asset holders, family and other professionals and making all necessary arrangements to wind up estates and pass on the inheritance to the beneficiaries.  We achieve all this in a realistic time frame and deliver our services with utmost efficiency and compassion.

We can deal with all legal, administrative and accounting matters within the probate administration or undertake only those tasks you need us to.  We can carry out this process whether somebody has died leaving a valid will or died intestate (that is, without having left a valid will).

We are particularly skilled at winding up estates in a tax efficient way and minimising tax wherever possible.

We also provide legal advice and help to individuals who are entitled to inheritance – for example, we can advise on and prepare deeds of variation for tax planning or other reasons.

Contact Us

Our team of friendly, professional solicitors in Chatham, Kent can provide support and advice in a wide range of areas for you and your business.

Call our solicitors in Kent on 01634 304 000 or fill out the simple form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.